Creating Notifications in Symbility Claims Connect

As discussed in the training courses, Symbility is designed for you, the user, to configure your preferences any way you want. With that being said, you as the adjuster must set up your account to send you the needed notifications. All adjusters must set these notifications.

Creating notifications is accomplished in Claims Connect. This is the system ( that you accessed to download Mobile Claims. Here are the steps to set up notifications:

Here are the steps to set up notifications:

  1. Log into Claims Connect @
  2. Access notifications from the Preference menu on the top tool bar.
  3. Create a method of notification.
  4. Enter your email address as a method of notification and click save.
  5. Now, select the notifications you want to receive each time they occur. You want to place a check in both boxes so that you receive notification both via email as well as when you log into Symbility.
    We require to set the following notifications:
    • The assignment has been marked cancelled
    • The estimate has been rejected (review)
    • The estimate has been rejected (approval)
    • A claim has been assigned to you
    • You have been unassigned from the claim
    • A claim participant inputs a journal entry and sends notification of it
  6. Once these are entered, click save at the bottom of the page. Now, you can log out in the top right or simply close the window, but be sure to SAVE before closing.

Setting Local Header in Symbility

We have set up local headers for all Service Centers handling Symbility claims. As the adjuster, you need to go into Claims Connect and set your header preference one time. It will save your preference for future use.

Here are the steps to accomplish this setting:

  1. From the menu toolbar (same location you just set notifications), go to Preferences and then to General Preferences.
  2. Select the location that best represents the area that you cover—Default is Home Office.
  3. Final Step is to select Save.