Easily Locate Client Archives in Lotus Notes

When we have files that were received during a prior contract period with a client, we generally have to refer to the contract in place at that time for billing and handling instructions.

Lately, I have received feedback from adjusters, branch managers and administrators that they do not know how to locate archived client Instructions. They have also reported that when they do access the Archives, they have to open every prior document to find the most-recent instructions. With the branches resuming a good bit of the billing functions, there is a much easier way to do this, which will save a lot of time.

First, to get to the Archives, you click the Archive link at the bottom of the Client Instruction database in Lotus Notes.


Once you are in the Archives, select "Effective Date". Then, you can search for the Client name or program number. This pulls up a list of the instructions for that Client and identifies the effective date. This will allow you to quickly identify the correct date range you need to reference, without having to open each individual document.
